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No. 266, Tianshan St, High-tech Zone на карте

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Tobee® THY24-THY85 Hydraulic Slurry Pumps


Tobee® Hydroman™ THY24 - THY85 Heavy Duty Hydraulic Slurry Pumps are designed for the pump that are driven by hydraulic motors, which are available by eliminating haul trucks, conveyor belts and other mechanical earth moving equipment. Hydraulic submersible slurry pumps are capable of dredging sand from the river and/or sea in high density and specific gravity by using the optional water jets and cutter heads. Dredging is an activity that dredge sand and gravel underwater in shallow seas or rivers, and so the project of dredging system will consist of dredging slurry pump, pipe, diesel motor or electric engine, and various accessories, in order to excavate and remove material from the bottom of water.

Design Features:

√ Wear parts are all constructed with abrasion resistant chromium alloy.
√ Unique mechanical seal device can prevent the electric motor from high pressure water and impurity.
√ Easy installation, operation and cost saving, No need additional vacuum pump.
√ In addition to the main impeller, a pair of agitation impeller is equipped to help break and mix the sludge.
√ Professional technology support is provided during the whole process of the usage and maintenance.
√ handle up to 70% per weight material density.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6797349, Размещено 23 февраля
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