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No. 266, Tianshan St, High-tech Zone на карте

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Tobee® THY175-THY220 Hydraulic Dredge Pumps


Tobee® Hydroman™ THY175-THY220 Hydraulic Dredge Pumps are suitable for 120, 150, 220, 240, 300, 330, 360 and other small, medium and large series of Excavators. Besides, they are specialized for those circumstances that are difficulty to dig, such as much more water and watery sludge, mud, sand and slurry. Remove the bucket and connect to the hydraulic dredge pump, concentration of extraction with high efficient and density could be achieved. The work efficiency improves greatly with the matching hydraulic dredge pump and long-distance transportation is also realized. In addition, The Hydroman hydraulic dredge pump could be equipped with hydraulic station and applies to the harsh environment. Hence, several difficulty conditions could be dealt with such as excavators digging ineffectively, long-distance transportation of mud and mortar, lack of electricity supply and frequent switching conditions. In conclude, it can be supplied to various dredging conditions.

Design Features:

√ The hydraulic dredge pump bottom is arranged with the mixing device, and the bilateral and multilateral separate mixer can be arranged, which can prevent pump blockage by the bulky fixed substance, so as to fully mix the solid with liquid, and facilitate handling.
√ The hydraulic dredge pump can handle the solid substance with the maximum particle size of 150mm, and the solid-liquid extraction concentration can be over 70%.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6797346, Размещено 23 февраля
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