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Tobee® 8SV-AF Vertical Froth Pump


Tobee® 8SV-AF Vertical Froth Pump is latest generation of froth pump based on advanced technology at home and abroad. It is vertical shaft configuration, and comprise a hopper, with vertical bearing assembly. 8 inch froth slurry pump is designed for transporting high abrasive and corrosive froth slurries, Especially used in the flotation process.

Design Features:

√ Vertical froth pump is suitable for transporting slurry with froth, especially for flotation processing .
√ It can eliminate the froth or foam in the running slurry and work normally even if the feeding slurry is not enough.
√ The froth pump wet parts are made of Ni-hard and high chromium wear-resistant alloy materials.
√ Funnel charging box is of steel structure.
√ The discharge direction of froth pump can be oriented at intervals of 45°.
√ The vertical froth pump adopts double-casing structure, with stable performance, high efficiency, wear resistance, and great interchangeability of components.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6797310, Размещено 23 февраля
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