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No. 266, Tianshan St, High-tech Zone на карте

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Tobee® 6x4E-AH Slurry Pump


Tobee® 6x4E-AH Slurry Pump is designed for continuous conveying highly abrasive and high-hardness, high-concentration, low-corrosion slurries contain suspended solid particles, such as finished ores, refuse ores, ashes, cinders, cements, mud, mineral stones in the tailing mining, minerals recycling, coal washing, industries of metallurgy, pulp and paper making, power plant, building material & chemical engineering, sand dredging etc

Design Features:

√ A large diameter with a short overhang ensure the rigidity of shaft, suitable for high power condition.

√ Hardened stainless steel shaft sleeve with ‘O’ ring seals at both ends. A slip fit allows the sleeve protects the shaft from the wear and corrosion.

√ The deputy vanes in both former and rear cover of Impeller relieve seal pressure and minimize recirculation.

√ Casing is made of ductile iron, ribs help casing to stand high pressure.

√ The wet parts are made of high-chrome alloy or rubber, having the abrasion-resist, corrosion-resist and impact erosion-resist properties, improved the service life of pump.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6796983, Размещено 23 февраля
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