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Tobee® 6/4E-AHR Rubber Lined Slurry Pump


Tobee® 6/4E-AHR Rubber Lined Slurry Pump is cantilevered, horizontal, centrifugal with double casing slurry pump. They are designed for the handling of highly abrasive, high-density slurries. The wet parts of 6x4 slurry pumps are made of natural rubber, which could be replaceable wear-resistant parts. The discharge side can be oriented to any of the eight different positions. The shaft seals may adopt packing gland seal, expeller seal and mechanical seal.

Design Features:

√ Bearing assembly – A large diameter shaft with short overhang minimizes deflection and contributes to long bearing life. Only four through bolts are required to hold the cartridge type housing in the frame.

√ Liners – Easily replaceable liners are bolted, not glued, to the casing for positive attachment and ease of maintenance. Hard metal liners are completely interchangeable with pressure molded rubber. Elastomer seal rings back all liner joints.

√ Casing – Casing halves of cast or ductile iron with external reinforcing ribs provide high operating pressure capabilities and an extra measure of safety.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6796941, Размещено 23 февраля
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