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Tobee® 12/10ST-AHR Rubber Slurry Pump


Tobee® Rubber Lined Slurry Pumps Sealing Arrangement:

Packing Seal

As one of the most commonly used seals for rotating shafts, the packing seal can come with low-flush or full flush arrangement which uses flushing water to prevent media from escaping the pump housing. This kind

of seal is suitable for use under all pumping conditions. In situations where corrosive solids or high temperature might be encountered, Teflon or aramid fiber is used as the packing material for the gland. For

high abrasion conditions, a ceramic shaft sleeve is available.

Centrifugal Seal - Expeller

The combination of impeller and expeller creates the pressure needed to seal against leakage. Together with the gland seal or lip seal which is used as the shut-down seal, this type of seal can handle sealing requirements for applications where full-flush gland seal is impractical due to lack of water on the site, or sealing water is allowed to enter inside the pumping chamber to dilute the slurry.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6796927, Размещено 23 февраля
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