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No. 266, Tianshan St, High-tech Zone на карте

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Tobee® 100RV-SP Vertical Slurry Pump


Tobee® 100RV-SP Vertical Slurry Pump is designed for handling abrasive and corrosive liquids and slurries, while submerged in sumps or pits. Suited for applications requiring greater reliability and durability than conventional vertical process pumps can offer. It is mainly used for pumping the slurries with high abrasive, strong corrosion and high concentration liquids contain suspended solid particles.

Design Features:

• Bearing Assembly - The bearings, shaft and housing are generously proportioned to avoid problems associated with the operation of cantilevered shafts in the first critical speed zones.
The assembly is grease lubricated and sealed by labyrinths; the upper is grease purged and the lower protected by a special flinger. The upper or drive end bearing is a parallel roller type whilst the lower bearing is a double taper roller with preset end float. This high performance bearing arrangement and robust shaft eliminates the need for a lower submerged bearing.
• Column Assembly - Completely fabricated from mild steel. The SPR model is elastomer covered.

| Skype: Tobee.Pump | Mob: +86-18032034573

№ 6797099, Размещено 23 февраля
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